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This Guide has been prepared to assist practicing structural engineers to design Cold-formed Steel Framing (CFSF) systems. It provides a general review of the basic structural principles, and five comprehensive design examples, which cover wind bearing and axial load bearing stud walls, and joists. The design examples are based on AISI S100-12, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 2012 Edition, and show how to translate the information available in CFSF manufacturer's literature into complete structural systems. The design examples also show both screwed and welded connection details.
Changes from D110-07:
- This edition of AISI D110 references AISI S240-15. A cross-reference to the Framing Standards documents used in the previous edition of AISI D110, namely AISI S200, S210, S211, S213 and S214, is provided in Appendix K.
- The load combination factors as required by ASCE/SEI 7-10 have been used including a 0.42 factor on wind for deflection calculations from IBC 2015 Table 1604.3, footnote f.
- The design examples have been revised to conform to the latest design standards including AISI S100-12 and AISI S240-15.
- Distortional buckling calculations have been added to Example #2.
- The slide clip detail for connecting wind bearing studs has been modified to illustrate a clip more typical of modern construction.
- Where warping torsion is checked, the provisions of Section C3.6 of AISI S100-12 are referenced.
- The alternative parapet design using cantilevering HSS posts has been modified to reflect an approach with more flexibility for field installation.
- A new Example #5 has been added to illustrate the design of load-bearing framing using ledger framing.
- Appendix L has been added to provide a complete listing of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) Technical Notes.
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